Google Vs. the public: Adblock Plus urges Android users to fight back
Users impacted by Google’s decision can use Firefox browser instead
Rights of users to control their internet experience should not be dictated
This week, Google made updates to its Android software, singling out Adblock Plus in a David Vs. Goliath battle in which Google has taken steps to strip its users of their right to personalise their online experience.
Till Faida, co-founder of Adblock Plus, says that all this move has done is to alienate Google’s users in an attempt to dictate their use of the internet and prevent them from controlling their online experience. “Google has historically been an advocate for consumer choice so it’s upsetting to see that they have taken this move.”
Adblock Plus, which blocks annoying and intrusive online advertising, whilst whitelisting responsible advertisers who only display ‘acceptable ads,’ campaigns for online user rights and believes in giving the public freedom of choice in order to protect their privacy and have a more enjoyable online experience.
Till added, “Although Google’s intentions were virtuous in the fact that they were attempting to fix a security risk, they carelessly killed Adblock Plus in the process with no remorse.
“Our Android software is our fastest growing download at the moment, further demonstrating the disconnect between advertisers and the public – it’s clear to see that there is a real demand for users to be able to personalise their experience. It is important to note that Adblock Plus does still work on Android devices. Those who have been affected by the Android updates can simply use the Firefox browser on their device, with Adblock Plus installed, which continues to work as normal,” concluded Till.
For further information on maintaining Adblock Plus on your Android device, click here.